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eCommerce Development

With over 17 years of experience in custom eCommerce web development projects, we’ve built a sound practice in helping our clients grow their online sales. Whether you’re talking about a B2B eCommerce website that’s password-protected or a B2C e-tailer selling to the masses, our team of seasoned developers have done it all. At AuComm we know it takes a dedicated team to put together a successful eCommerce website, which is why every development project consists of an eCommerce strategist, technical lead, project manager, designer, front-end web developer, back-end programmer, and a quality assurance tester.

A developer creating custom code for an eCommerce website

Front-end Web Development

At AuComm we work with experienced front-end web developers to build custom themes using the latest practices in HTML, CSS, HTML5, and JavaScript. Our team will work with you to figure out your customers’ needs in order to develop the best shopping experience for your specific clients. We know your customers’ experience shouldn’t be forced into a predetermined generic template, which is why all of our themes are custom-built.

Back-end Programming

What separates AuComm from other web firms is our advanced programming skills in both PHP and .Net. Unlike other firms that are typically restricted to what third-party extensions or plug-ins are available, we have over 17 years of experience in custom eCommerce web development projects that we bring to the table. So whether you need highly customized shipping logic or you want to implement an advanced auto suggestive search, our programmers can create any functionality that your business may need.

Quality Assurance

Proper testing is one of the most important steps in any web development project. At AuComm we understand the importance of quality assurance testing. On every project, we conduct thorough internal testing as well as client user acceptance testing to ensure your website functions exactly the way you expect it to. Our testing process includes cross-browser testing, testing on multiple device types, stress testing, functional testing, and general user experience testing.

Ready to work with us?

Contact us about your eCommerce needs! Complete the form with as much information as you can provide, and an AuComm eCommerce expert will be in touch with you soon.




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